Friday, November 11, 2011

Favorite Quote

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons.  ~Author Unknown

I love this quote and it means so much to me because childhood is something you can't give back once it's gone. I believe that each child should experience and have a great childhood experience. Let children play and enjoy the things they are most good at which is playing. Smiles are hearts warming and I love to laugh and play with the children. So no matter the season of life you are in remember that a child must experience the beauty of the most beautiful one.


Favorite Book- The Very Cranky Bear

I love this book because my children really enjoy it. They love to hear me interrupt the sound of the bear. It also helps my children to take a nap during quiet time because they understand that if they do not get their rest they are cranky throughout the day. This book is very funny and its # 1 for me and my preschool classroom!