Armonie and I |
A birthing experience that I have had was when my best friend had her little girl. It was an over the phone experience I had because I live in Raleigh and I did not have time to meet her at the hospital before she had the baby. She called me while she was in labor driving herself to the hospital. She was saying that she thinks the baby was coming out and she did not think she was going to make it to the hospital. All I could do is tell her to keep breathing and hopefully she would make it there soon. I had to use the techniques I had seen on television. I do not have kids of my own and I am just the one that visits everyone once the baby has entered the world. I believe that birth is wonderful and its a process of the child's development.
I chose to read about the birthing process in Europe. I learned that they have home births because they do not like an clinical atmosphere for the birthing of their child. The difference is in the U.S. almost all children are delivered in the hospital where in Europe it is disliked. Also learned that the risk of having a baby at home are equal as having a baby with a professional physician.