Support means that someone or something helps you. My
supports are my god, job, fiancé, house, parents, and school. I listed god as my number one support because
without him nothing would be possible every day I wake up and every night when
I go to bed I thank him for the support he gives me throughout the day. My job
is one of my supports because of the things it allows me to have such as money,
which leads to my house being my support because if I didn’t have a house I wouldn’t
need to work and my house helps me to be an independent woman. My fiancé supports
me in every way regardless of the circumstance; he is just a helpful person. My
schooling supports me in a way of helping me to become knowledgeable and
greater at my job.
All my supports are beneficial for me and I have not had a struggle
or any life changing obstacles in my life. My bills are paid on time, I have a
loving fiancé, a brand new house, loving parents that are always supportive,
and I’m continuing my education at the age of 23. Challenges come in every one
life but I am grateful and blessed to say that I have not been face with a
challenge that stopped me from being who I am.