Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who am I as a Communicator??

Considering the two people who evaluated me from the assessments those two people thought highly of me more than I did myself. I thought it was surprising for one of the evaluators to consider me as more business like and a straight to the point type of person. I also found it surprising that I was considered as a people orientated person. The environment a person is in influences their ways of communication.

Communicating LOVE with a HUG!!!!!


  1. A hug is a great form of communication. That is great that you have learned something new about yourself. In early childhood we do communicate in many ways and with many people.

  2. Shovonne,
    you're absolutely right, the environment you're in does influence communication styles. I have noticed that since working in early childhood, my communication with my then-boyfriend now husband has improved. With children, you have to be patient and show kindness even when disciplining, and I've noticed I apply many strategies when communicating with my husband as well (though not disciplining him - ha!). Thanks for sharing such a lovely picture!

  3. Communication does not always have to be verbal, as you have shown with a hug. I think from these assessments we all learned something more about ourselves that we might have known before. Being part of the early childhood education field we are continually learning and changing ourselves along with the children we are teaching. Great post.
