Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Who demonstrates competent communication?

Someone who demonstrates competent communication within the early childhood field would be one of my teachers Ms. Flo. I really enjoy seeing her get into her advocate mode and tell everyone information about what’s going on in the early childhood field. She also will give you references or resources so you as an early childhood advocate can see it for yourself and take action as you feel. I can feel and see the passion she has for young children and how she really enjoy helping people become effective child care providers. She has worked in all aspects of the early childhood field from being a teacher, smart start program, director and now a teacher at a local community college. She communicates with people on a real, respectful and truthful way. I can just say, she tells you how it is. I would love to communicate some of her communication behaviors because I believe she is very effective and a real advocate for young children and families. She finds out things to help the parents she teaches to ensure the education and care of their children. Ms. Flo is a great person, advocate and communicator.


  1. Shovonne,
    I can feel Ms. Flo's positive energy through the way you write about her. It is really apparent how enthusiastic and passionate she is about her field of work. You're very lucky to have someone like Ms. Flo on your journey as an educator! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. I think it is so important to be truthful and respectful with children and families. It is wonderful that your program has a great role model.

  3. It sounds like Ms. Flo's energy for children is going to influence their lives for years to come. Everyone needs to have a person to look up to in their lives and as they make their journey in the early childhood education field. She sounds like a wonderful person.

  4. Shovonne,
    Thank fo sharing about Ms. Flo, she sounds like a great help for research, I am sure you will contnue to be guided by sure a great inspiring individual in your goal with communication.
    All the best n your journey.

  5. Hello,

    Yes, having an individual teacher as a mentor is definitely uncommon. A lot of teachers are seen and portrayed as actual mentors to different individuals. Thereby, I feel that educators should be able to show forth light to a particular subject, or develop new, inspiring, and creative ideas to help individual succeed academically.

    Great Post,
    Adrea Reavis
